Wednesday, August 8, 2012

WK 02 - Future Visions and Scenarios

Urban, Suburban, Regional and Virtual scenarios

We formed a group of four to discuss and find new ideas for the future in each of the above scenarios.

Urban Car-Free Environment 
"What if Brisbane City Council decided to introduce London style Congestion Charge to CBD in 2020 to heavily reduce traffic congestion in the area?" 

What should planned and implement to improve the urban environment in future?

  •      Improve infrastructure
  •       More green space
  •       More facility
  •       Traffic congestion control
  •      Avoid city traffic on inner suburban
  •       Autonomous concept

Suburban Sustainable Retail Experiences

"What if all retail stores in Paddington Central stopped selling goods in favour of online stores, but decided to keep physical presence for customer experiences?"

“We see a combination of retail and e-tail as being the future of our business. You need the physical presence so people can sample and experience your product. But you also need online because people see that as convenient.” – Scott Coulter, Chief Operating Officer, Comvita

“Online shopping is definitely worthwhile investigating if you are prepared to take the time to research the market, be patient and remain focused over the longer term.” Andrea Wouters, Export Product Manager, Good Health Products

Retail -- Future Vision

The Future of Retail

The Future of Shopping

Regional Self-Sufficient Community
"what if Woodford Festival site were to become a self-sufficient community that was to be managed and operated self-sufficiently?"

The Venus Project: Working Toward Sustainable Global Civilization

(Designed by Jacque Fresco – images via: The Venus Project)
In order to survive global warming, the growing human population and other challenges in the upcoming centuries, some believe that we must start from scratch with a new model of human civilization that directs our technology and resources toward the positive, for the maximum benefit of the people and the planet. The Venus Project is a vision for a brand new world civilization and redesign of our entire culture. Circular cities with built-in farms and public transit, along with sea cities that can accommodate millions, are just part of this complex and visionary idea to take us “beyond politics, poverty and war”.

Virtual Strategies for All Regions
"What if Queensland Government’s key strategy were to resolve Urban, Suburban and Regional issues  virtually?"

After each theme group presentation, I was thinking about the potential scenarios which I could take. After thought over all the options carefully, I decided my top three choices:
Suburban, Urban & Regional
The justification for applying the suburban as my first choice is achieving some parameters which would collaborate to research and design a sustainable retail resolution in Paddington area within the semester.  

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