Monday, October 15, 2012

WK 11 - Tutorial

Transferring a concept to a Physical Model

Concept is inspired by counters which is followed by the mass



I was planning is based on the natural topography of the land.

The overall plan is very sensitive to the site`s topography, respecting natural  ridges.

Green Arrows show the views.

Red Arrows and hatches show the people movement path.

Ground Level

Level one ( Official and Educational Area)

Level two ( Residential Area)

Visual issue

Cameron was advised that the building is not visually in contact with people scale in facade.
For finding the solution he offered a sunroof, balcony or designing something (Refer to below Sketch) to disconnect the vision of building hight to make the inspire visually comfort.

The below picture is illustrating the pathway under the brigh which connect the retail to the food 
court in under ground level.

Exercising the Morphology

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